New meme: how do you keep fit?

We had a great game of five-a-side last night, winning 11-7 against a squad which was younger, fitter, better skilled and had more players than us (in an hour’s five-a-side, with rolling substitutions, having plenty of players avoids exhaustion).

My contribution was acting as shot-stopper. An hour of throwing yourself onto astroturf, getting up and throwing yourself down again is – I discovered – a pretty good way to keep fit. Of course, I then blew it all in the post match analysis at the Packhorse and Talbot.

I know that one hour’s exercise a week is nowhere near enough to keep fit, and I wondered what others out there do. So, I thought of a new game of blog-tag: what (if anything) do you do to keep fit?

I’ll tag the following for their contributions, and ask them to tag 4 more bloggers. Of these I know some are keen exercisers, others I have no idea, but am keen to find out.

Clive Shepherd
Thomas Otter
David Wilson
Nigel Paine

Don’t be embarrassed, guys. I haven’t set a very high bar for you.

9 responses to “New meme: how do you keep fit?

  1. Pingback: Fitting in (how do you keep fit meme?) « Vendorprisey

  2. Well, working from home I have few obstacles to keeping fit. I play tennis between 2 and 5 times a week, at least one of which is usually a coaching session. This might seem like rather a lot but I enjoy the variety in the games and meeting my opponents for a chat. The coaching element is important as that’s my therapy. If I ever get depressed about any aspect of my play, I just work on it with the coach and regain some confidence. My personal experience in this respect is one of the main reasons I’m pro coaching as a tool for development.

    The second way I keep fit is by walking. My wife and I are big walkers and we try to have at least two one-week walking holidays a year, one in the UK and one in Europe. When you’re walking you see far more than any tourist ever could and don’t ever need to feel guilty about eating and drinking lots in the evening.

    When I can’t play tennis or walk, I go to the gym. It’s 10 minutes walk from my house but I drive there – does that make sense? I enjoy the gym and often use the time to reflect on an article or blog posting I’m working on. I’ve never got this idea that the gym is boring – I’ve always felt that if you find something boring it says more about you than the activity.

  3. Pingback: (What Do I Do to Keep Fit Meme) « Reading Circles

  4. Donald, since you posed the question… I like Clive work from a home office so have taken the commuting out of my day!

    Instead I have a routine of mountain biking with a neighbour Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for 1 hour. On Saturday we go out for 2 hours. Friday night I play 5 a-side with friends for 1 1/2 hours followed by a session in the pub! On Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday I either run or blade at Dorney Lake (Eton College Rowing Club) which is 2km long and with the extra distance at each end makes for 5km laps. So 5 or 10k runs and 15 or 20K blade sessions. On blades it is possible to do 5k in 12 minutes.

    Stretching is critical to all of this and a Tuesday Body Balance class also lends itself to the mix. So at 41 (until May) I am working on staying fit and healthy.


  5. Poking around on your blog site I came across this blog. Thought I would post. I am 55. I started doing triathlons three years ago. So to keep fit ( I have dropped about 60 lbs) I cycle, either outdoors or indoors, I run and I swim. I also weight train once a week. Seems to be working for me and I enjoy the competition.

  6. Pingback: Fit for purpose « Getting Technical

  7. I’m very impressed by how much other people out there are doing to keep fit. So much so that I am entering a sponsored cycle ride on May 13th. For more on this, visit, and if you would like to donate, go to

  8. Having decided I now need to keep fit after not having done much for the last 2 years I decided to open Lake District Walks and I am now offering free Walks for anyone who wishes to come along and keep fit whilst enjoying the fantastic scenery of the Lake District National Park. If you would like to come along simply get in touch.

  9. Pingback: What Do I Do to Keep Fit Meme

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