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L&D Global Sentiment 2016

L+D GSS 2016 Map

Yesterday at 23:30 UK time I closed my annual ‘What will be hot in L&D this year?’ survey. For full results, join me for Three corporate learning trends to watch in 2016 on 20 January at 16:00 UK time, 11am ET.

This is the third year I’ve run this one-question survey. 728 people voted from 52 countries, casting a total of 1922 votes (each person can vote for up to 3 items). The global results are:

Collaborative/social learning 250 13.0%
Personalization/adaptive delivery 218 11.3%
Consulting more deeply with the business 167 8.7%
Mobile delivery 159 8.3%
Micro learning 151 7.7%
Games/gamification 132 6.9%
Neuroscience/cognitive science 132 6.9%
Showing value 115 6.0%
Curation 108 5.6%
Developing the L&D function 92 4.8%
Synchronous online delivery (eg webinars) 85 4.4%
Video 68 3.5%
Knowledge management 67 3.5%
MOOCs 63 3.3%
Wearable tech 58 3.0%
Other: 57 3.0%

The question asked was “What will be hot in L&D in 2016?” and respondents were asked to vote for what they thought would be hot, rather than should be hot. No definitions were provided for the choices given, nor for what ‘being hot’ meant.

I’ll do a full analysis of this in my webinar with Axonify on 20 January 2016 at 16:00 UK time, 11am ET: Three corporate learning trends to watch in 2016. For now, though, here are some quick observations:

  1. Caveats – this population was not pre-qualified (so we don’t know it was L&D only) and was voluntary and so self-selecting. It is, therefore, likely a skewed population: more tech-focused, more social than others in the profession. For all that, over 3 years I have noticed that this population does tend to predict what will become strong in corporate L&D eventually (if not in the current year) and also, what will fall from being ‘hot’ to either being part of business as usual (eg video) or irrelevant.
  2. Collaborative learning remains strong – it was #3 in 2014, #1 in 2015 and remains at the top of the leader board. It also features in the top 3 of just about every geography.
  3. Micro learning is strong, but US-focused – a new entry at #5, Micro learning’s popularity is largely founded in North America. Elsewhere it’s still a new term.
  4. Mobile maintains, video drops – mobile remains on people’s minds (although dropping from #1 to #3 to #4 this year), but video’s drop has been precipitous – from #5 in 2013 to #13 this year. This seems to signal that mobile remains a challenge while video is now seen as ‘business as usual’
  5. Global variations are strong – there are clear differences across different territories. The UK and North America differ from each other, as they do from Europe and Australia/NZ. More about this on the 20th.
  6. MOOCs are …. what, exactly? With a slight variation in wording, MOOCs have been in the survey since 2014, but have fallen from #4 to #14. Why? Three possible reasons:
    1. They are now seen as ‘business as usual’ (not my observation)
    2. L&D knows about them, but refuses to use them
    3. L&D knows about them, but can’t find a use for them – yet


What do you think? Do these results match your observations of L&D? Is there anything missing? Feel free to comment ….


The e-learning awards 2015

DHT Speaking LT15 Awards a

Two week ago, I had the pleasure of opening the E-learning Awards, 2015, at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel in London.

The walk across town to the venue was beautiful, with a full moon shining down the Thames and every landmark picked out in glorious detail. At the awards themselves we had a great evening , with expert hosting from Phil Jupitus and Deborah Frances-White, 700 guests intent on having a good time, and a superb live band until sometime after 1am.

The full list of winners can be found here, but I really want to stress what I said kicking the whole event off: that with 400 entrants, making it to the short list for any award was a real achievement.

If you’re engaged in learning technologies in any way, I look forward to seeing you again next year!

What will be hot in L&D in 2016?


The survey has now closed. Please click to see an initial summary of the results.


Zoltar Fortune Teller Close Up - very

Zoltar the Magnificent, fortune teller extraordinary, will – for the sum of one pound – reveal your fortune from inside his mechanical box on Brighton pier.

Each year I try to do something similar.

I am slightly less extravagant in my dress, and I’m not on a pier, but the results are at least free.

Each year I run a one-minute, one-question online poll asking L&D professionals what they think will be hot in the following year. In 2014 mobile learning topped the poll. In 2015, collaborative learning came in first.

The individual results, though, matter less than the overall trends they illustrate. For example, video dropped from 5th position in 2014 to 8th in 2015. Was that because video was suddenly less important? I doubt it. It’s much more likely that video was no longer seen as ‘hot’. It has entered the main stream of L&D practice.

What will be hot in 2016?
This year, once again, I will be asking the same question: What will be hot in workplace L&D in 2016? You can choose three items from the list.

The poll is below, mostly with the same options as in previous years. If you don’t like the options, please do choose ‘Other’ and say what you think is missing. I will add these, unedited, to the blog over the course of the survey.

To clarify – please what you think will be hot in L&D in 2016. In January, after the poll has closed, I’ll run a second poll asking whether you agree with the results, and why.

Choose up to 3 items:


The poll will finish at the end of the first week of January. Headline results will be announced here on Monday, January 11th, and the first analysis will be broadcast in a webinar in conjunction with Axonify on Wednesday January 20th at 16:00 UK, 11am ET.

I look forward to hearing what you think will be hot in workplace L&D in 2016!

[Updated 11 December]

What did I miss?
The ‘Other’ option has proved less popular than in previous years, with only 27 entries so far. They are listed below – with virtual/augmented reality standing out as the option most people seem to think should have been included:

Deep Learning
Big data
Virtual reality
Extension of learning to broader workforce, customers, partners
“Lean” career development
Virtual/augmented reality
“Workplace learning”
Professional Membership of the British Institute for Learning and Development
Data and Learner Analytics
Augmented & Virtual reality
Non synchronous online delivery
Ask the learner
Capturing non formal learning
Innovation in regulatory environments
Network analysis and/or visualisation
Knowledge Retention
Performance support
Debunking learning myths
on the job learning (702010sytle)
Virtual Reality
virtual reality
Connecting self directed learner

Actually, I did include virtual/augmented reality, but took it out again, as I felt that 2016 was probably too early. 2017 may be a different story.

What do you think – is there anything missing from this year’s choices?






See you in Sydney or Melbourne?

Are you based in Sydney or Melbourne? Working in L&D? Then let’s meet up!

I’ll be in Australia from Friday 6th to Wednesday 11th November, meeting colleagues in the world of learning and running two workshops on “The Transforming Future of Learning and Development”.

The two morning workshops take place in Sydney (6th November) and Melbourne (9th November) and are organized by PSK Performance.

In small groups, we’ll be looking at why the world of L&D is changing so fast right now, why current operating models of L&D are inadequate to deal with the changes, and what can be done to survive and thrive in the future.

I aim to provide input, provoke discussion and confront some of the issues facing L&D today so that participants will leave with a broad picture of what’s changing in L&D as well as practical actions to take.

In the workshops, we’ll draw on everyone’ s experience, including my own 25 years in the industry, including 15 years as chairman of Learning Technologies, Europe’s largest conference dedicated to technology-supported workplace learning, and 5 years as chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute.

To know more, and to register, please contact me, or click on the links below:

The Transforming Future of Learning and Development
Sydney, Friday 6th November (am)
Melbourne, Monday 9th November (am)

I hope to see you there!